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Mendix Low-code

Mastering Advanced Techniques in Mendix App Development

Ready to go beyond drag-and-drop in Mendix app development? Join us on a journey of understanding its advanced techniques

Mendix app development

Mendix app development – a platform where innovation transcends mere drag-and-drop!   

In this blog series, we delve into mastering advanced techniques within the Mendix low code platform. While drag-and-drop might be the entry point, a whole world of sophisticated methods is waiting to be explored. Brace yourself to unlock the next level of application development, where efficiency, customization, and advanced functionalities redefine the Mendix app development experience.   

Join us as we embark on this journey beyond the basics, elevating your Mendix low code skills to new heights.

  1. Smart Front-End Techniques 

Mendix's Smart Front-End Techniques bring a fresh approach to design by simplifying stylesheets and keeping things tidy and reusable. With Design Properties Integration, front-end elements like colors and margins become effortless to apply in Mendix. Plus, Nanoflow Debugging ensures pinpoint accuracy when debugging across web, native, and PWA apps. If you're still uncertain about its benefits, consider two things: it simplifies design and debugging for everyone involved!  

  1. Enhanced Workflow Management 

Mendix 9 is here to get the job done quickly and efficiently with the Workflow Editor, a standout feature simplifying complex case management and workflow logic. Gone are the days of laborious microflows and intricate UI screens. This visual editor, available in Mendix Studio and Studio Pro, allows organizations to digitize processes effortlessly. Integrated seamlessly with existing DSLs, it streamlines tasks, while the Workflow Commons module offers pre-built tools, dashboards, and templates for instant implementation. It's a leap forward in making process digitization swift and hassle-free.  

Let's look at some of the highlights of the workflow editor that are here to make your life easier as a developer:  

  • Task Queue replaces the Queue module, scaling microflow execution effortlessly.   
  • The New Merge Algorithm in Mendix 9 refines conflict resolution, allowing precise changes without replacing entire documents.   
  • List Filtering by Expression streamlines operations, saving time and complexity previously required with multiple list actions.  

These enhancements signify Mendix's leap in efficiency and precision in managing workflows and data operations.  

  1. Performance Optimization Tools 

The list of powerful tools with Mendix 9 has yet to end. It also brings advanced tools for performance optimization to you. Let's understand them better:  

  • The MxAssist Performance Bot emerges as an invaluable virtual co-developer, scrutinizing your app against Mendix's best practices and ensuring optimal performance.   
  • Managing React Native dependencies becomes seamless in native mobile apps with Mendix 9's Native Dependency Management, simplifying addition and control.   
  • The new While Loop in Mendix 9 eradicates previous workarounds, offering effortless conditional looping in microflows.   

These advancements bolster performance and efficiency in Mendix app development, catering to diverse needs and simplifying complex tasks.  

  1. Progressive Web App Development 

How does effortlessly creating apps that work offline without the hassle of app store submissions sound? You don't have to imagine it anymore, as Mendix does just that with its Progressive Web App (PWA) development feature! And guess what? Text presentation gets more accessible, too, with dynamic content based on conditions. How does Mendix make this possible? Let's understand.  

Mendix low code empowers Progressive Web App (PWA) development with its new navigation profile, designed explicitly for offline-first experiences. This feature enables rapid PWA creation, utilizing web browsers' offline capabilities without app store publication. Additionally, Mendix 9 simplifies text template management by allowing expressions as parameters and granting dynamic text display based on conditions. These advancements streamline offline functionality and offer enhanced flexibility in text presentation, making PWA development and dynamic content rendering effortless.  

  1. Atlas UI 3.0 and Theme Features 

Ever wished for a sleeker look for your app without the hassle? Mendix 9 has your back with Atlas UI 3.0! It gives your app a stylish makeover with —enhanced templates, simplified customization, and no more sharing headaches for module developers!  

The Atlas UI 3.0 is a revamped interface boasting enhanced templates, a fresh appearance, and streamlined customization. This version offers a new folder structure, simplifying theme updates and extension processes. Module developers benefit from easier sharing of company-specific layouts and pluggable widgets, eliminating prior workarounds. With specific layouts, templates, and design properties per module, Atlas UI 3.0 facilitates seamless creation and distribution. Notably, Sass compilation within Studio Pro 9.0.0 reduces reliance on external tools, delivering new theme features for smoother theme management.  

Bottom line? Mendix 9's Atlas UI 3.0 is - a design made simple!


  1. AI and ML Integration 

Ever wondered how apps seem to get smarter by the day? All thanks to Mendix low code and its integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).  

Mendix leads the charge in AI and ML integration, revolutionizing app development with context-driven, intelligent experiences. Its groundbreaking AI capabilities encompass virtual co-developer bots and embedded ML models, a pioneering feat in LCAP technology. The AI-driven Mendix Assist streamlines app creation by guiding developers toward optimal steps for crafting high-quality, efficient apps. This infusion of AI significantly slashes development time, swiftly addressing errors and bugs within hours or minutes, marking a monumental leap in productivity and app quality.  

  1. Cloud-Native Deployment and Flexibility 

Imagine your apps effortlessly blending into various tech landscapes. That's what Mendix's cloud-native mastery brings to the table! This part is all about how it makes scaling up easy and lets you switch between different cloud providers without a hitch. Let's unpack the advantages that this tech holds.  

  • Mendix is a trendsetter in cloud-native deployment, guaranteeing instant containerization and portability of applications. This empowers developers with unmatched flexibility, offering auto-provisioning, auto-healing, and seamless CI/CD support.   
  • Mendix applications flourish across diverse environments—public, private, hybrid clouds, or on-premises—providing effortless scalability and minimal infrastructure overhead.   
  • Mendix simplifies cloud provider migration, empowering developers to seamlessly embrace or craft DevOps practices, ensuring unbounded growth without architectural constraints.  

That's Mendix—your app's tech acrobat, smoothly navigating any digital landscape.

  1. Multi-Platform UI/UX Development 

How does an app offering an equally engaging experience on web, mobile, and even wearable devices sound? Thrilling, right?  

Mendix sparks a UI/UX revolution by simplifying the creation of native mobile apps, PWAs, and responsive web interfaces. Its adaptability ensures consistent experiences across various touchpoints—web, mobile, wearables, conversational interfaces, or immersive platforms. By leveraging React and React Native, Mendix app development empowers teams to craft engaging user experiences. With the Atlas UI framework offering pre-built models, templates, and components, developers accelerate design while ensuring intuitive, bespoke interfaces across diverse platforms—all under one unified platform  

  1. Universal Data Access and Security 

Sharing data across projects can be like organizing a bustling library—keeping everything accessible, secure, and in its rightful place.  

Mendix simplifies how data is shared securely across projects. It helps monitor data activities and create reusable components easily while ensuring security. Using Mendix Connect External Entities keeps data integrity intact and offers visualization tools for precise analytics. Plus, it seamlessly connects with systems like Oracle, Salesforce, and SAP, ensuring strong security and control over your data ecosystem. Thus, Mendix's data-handling capabilities create a secured space for easy sharing and comprehensive utilization, ensuring data integrity and effortless integration with various systems.  

  1. Intelligent Process Automation 

Ever wished if automating complex business processes could be just a matter of a few clicks? Mendix low code is here to make your wish come true!  

Mendix leads intelligent process automation, making it easy to modernize and scale operations fast. With its user-friendly workflow tools, teams can create complex business processes visually without needing to write code. This flexibility allows for smooth, scalable, and rule-compliant workflows. It also supports the upgrade of old processes, ensuring they follow the rules and can be automated efficiently. Connecting easily with other tools helps speed up work and simplifies following the rules. In a nutshell, Mendix simplifies operations, making them efficient, compliant, and hassle-free!


The recent updates in Mendix Studio and Studio Pro signify a remarkable leap in low-code app development. These innovations accelerate app creation and provide a comprehensive view of the development landscape. By embracing these advanced techniques, applications are improvised, offering enhanced functionality and a superior user experience.  

While grasping these advanced features may initially seem complex, EvonSys is here to simplify the process. Our experts specialize in navigating these details, guiding you through understanding and effectively utilizing these cutting-edge tools. We're committed to supporting you at every stage, ensuring a seamless integration of these advanced features into your app development journey. Click here to get in touch and understand more. 



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